three months old

noah at three months:
we don't know your height & weight right now because you don't have a three month appointment with the pediatrician. but i can tell you've gotten so much bigger just by holding you & looking at photos from last month, you're growing so fast!
you are such a happy little baby, you're always smiling! as soon as i walk to your bassinet when you wake up and tell you goodmorning you're smiling & cooing. you even still smile in your sleep :)
you started sleeping through the night this month! that first night you slept for 9.5 hours, i was so worried when i woke up and it had been that long without you making a peep! you were just fine though, fast asleep :)
i wore you in your little baby carrier for the first time this month. we went to kirkwood to the custard station and the farmers market. you absolutely love being able to face forward and look around! you looked adorable in your little sunhat as well hehe
you're so much more attentive now, you love to sit on our laps and stare & babble at us. your favorite noises to make are "ooooo", "aaaagoooo" and you've also started to make this little squeek when you get excited, it's so cute!
you still haven't discovered your feet but your hands make it into your mouth whenever you have the chance, you love sucking on your fingers.
baby boy, you light up our life. i don't know what we did before you arrived, everything is that much more exciting with you here. we love you so, so much.
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